Basically, all speed increasers can also be used as a speed reducer and vice versa, based on the input shaft chosen for the motion. With the exception of the versions that have a single or double overruning clutch inside which limits the functionality of the gearbox to speed increaser or speed reducer.
Ratios range from 1.1 to 5.33 or higher for speed reducers and speed-change gearboxes
They can have different combinations of shaft rotation directions based on how the meshing of the internal gears is positioned.
The internal shafts and gears are built using alloy steels according to the UNI EN 10084/10083 standards. Flanges and housings using gray cast iron, sferoidal cast iron, aluminum and molding steel depending on the power.
Typical applications are those for agricultural machinery but can also be used for various non-agricultural applications. Among the most common agricultural applications we note the following:
Flail mowers, Finishing mowers, Rotary tillers, Rotary harrows, Post hole diggers, Sprayers, Fertilizer Spreaders, Centrifugal pumps, Irrigation reels, Cutter bars, Round balers, Feed mixers, PTO generators, Belt and Disk saws, and many other multipurpose machines.